Vörös pálmamoszat (Dulse) – egész levél – 40g

4,490 Ft


Other names: Dulse, red palm algae, sea parsley
Packaging: 40g

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30 day warranty

If you return the product unopened, we will refund the price

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For orders over 40.000 Ft, with the reliable GLS courier service

Reliable Hungarian shop

All orders are sent from our Hungarian warehouse

100% secure payment

Online payment by credit card via OTP SimplePay system


It is commonly found from June to September. When picked, shell pieces and other small particles can be washed off and the plant then spread to dry. Dillisk is commonly used in Ireland, Iceland, Atlantic Canada and the Northeast United States both as food and medicine. It can be found in many health food stores or fish markets and can be ordered directly from local distributors. In South West Ireland it is eaten dried and uncooked in a manner similar to that in which one would eat snacks at a drinks party. It is also used in cooking

Directions for use


Can be eaten dry fresh (or rehydrated) or cooked. You can bake dry dulse to intensify the flavour. If boiled, do not cook for more than 30 mins. Goes well with: Dairy products, potatoes, bread, capers, onion, white fish, eggs, rice. Raw Salads, pickles, slaws, tapenades, dressings. Boil/steam Soups, stews, compotes, chowders, fish pies, accompaniment to fish.

Nutritional value

High in: Fibre, Protein, very high in Iron. Contains: All essential Amino Acids, Iodine, Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese. Vitamins: A, C, D and B complex.

Shipping and payment information

Delivery takes a maximum of 5-6 business days.

We offer a secure credit card payment option through the OTP Simple Pay interface.

In case of cash on delivery, you can also pay the order amount to the courier by credit card and cash when you receive the package.

Az utánvét kezelési díja plusz 500 Ft, ami hozzáadódik akkor is, ha 40.000 Ft felett vásárolsz.

Rendelésedet kifizetheted közvetlen banki átutalással is, akár személyes átvétel esetén is.

Vedd át megrendelésedet személyesen a Glowhealth irodájában előre egyeztetett időpontban, az alábbi címen:
Glowhealth Iroda – Debrecen, Németh László utca 12.

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